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When it comes to your oral hygiene you may be surprised to know that dentists are not the only professionals who play a crucial role in maintaining your oral health.

Oral pathology is a specialized field of dentistry that focuses on diagnosing and treating diseases affecting the mouth, jaw, and related structures. While most people are familiar with dental issues like cavities or gum disease, oral pathology delves deeper into understanding and managing more complex conditions.

Female Smiling After Oral Pathology in Owatonna, Burnsville, Apple Valley, Lakeville, EaganAn oral pathologist is a specialist trained to identify and treat these conditions, often playing a critical role in early detection and treatment.

Oral pathologists are vital in identifying serious conditions within the mouth or jaw areas, such as:

  • Oral Cancer
  • Cysts
  • Tumors
  • Other Abnormalities

So, what exactly does an oral pathologist do? Keep reading to find out!

  • Diagnosis – Oral pathologists conduct thorough clinical examinations and use advanced techniques like biopsies and microscopic analysis to diagnose oral diseases.
  • Collaboration – Oral pathology professionals work closely with general dentists, surgeons, and other healthcare providers to develop a comprehensive treatment plan.
  • Treatment Planning – Based on the diagnosis, they tailor an oral pathology treatment plan to address the specific needs of the patient, ensuring all aspects of the condition are managed effectively.
  • Patient Education – Oral pathologists also educate patients about their condition, helping them understand the diagnosis and treatment options.

Most often oral pathology becomes a necessity when a general dentist notices something unusual during a routine checkup and refers the patient for further evaluation. The oral pathologist then conducts a detailed assessment to pinpoint the issue.

At Dakota Valley Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery we understand the critical role of oral pathology in Owatonna, Burnsville, Apple Valley, Lakeville, MN, Eagan, Shakopee, and the surrounding areas–as well as its importance in maintaining overall health.

That is why we are committed to providing professional and compassionate care whether you are facing a complex oral condition or need a detailed evaluation. If you have concerns about your oral health or have been referred for an oral pathology evaluation, contact us today!