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Tooth replacement is a significant procedure that can restore your smile and your confidence. However, one of the primary concerns for many patients is the cost.

Understanding how insurance plays into the tooth replacement equation can help you prepare financially and avoid surprises down the road. Here are four key factors that impact the cost of tooth replacements:

  • Insurance Coverage

woman smiling after Tooth Replacement in Lakeville, Burnsville, Eagan, Shakopee, and Owatonna MNYour insurance coverage is the first factor to consider when it comes to your tooth replacement procedure. Some insurance plans might cover tooth replacement under dental insurance, while others might consider it a medical procedure, especially if the replacement is needed due to an accident or underlying medical condition. Before your procedure you need to check with your provider.

  • Insurance Provider

Not all insurance providers offer the same level of coverage for tooth replacement procedures. Some may cover a larger portion of the costs, while others might only provide minimal coverage. Review your insurance policy beforehand to understand your provider’s specific terms.

  • Annual Limits/Plan Coverage

Most dental insurance plans have annual coverage limits, which can significantly impact the cost of tooth replacements. If you have already used a portion of your annual limit on other dental procedures, the remaining amount may not fully cover your tooth replacement.

  • Number of Tooth Replacements

The number of teeth you need to replace also plays a critical role in determining the overall cost. Replacing a single tooth will be less expensive than multiple teeth, and your insurance may cover a portion of each tooth replacement. However, if you need multiple implants or replacements, the total cost can quickly add up.

At Dakota Valley Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery, we are the preferred choice for safe and professional tooth replacement in Burnsville, Lakeville, Eagan, Owatonna, Shakopee, MN and the surrounding areas. With our expert team of board-certified surgeons and state-of-the-art technology, we ensure that every tooth replacement procedure is performed with precision and care.

We also can assist you in checking your insurance benefits to understand your coverage. Contact us today to chat with our team about tooth replacements for you or your loved one!