Oral surgery is a serious medical procedure that involves surgical interventions on the teeth, jaw, and surrounding tissues. Oral surgery can be…
Our bodies are composed of several parts and pieces that contribute to our holistic health. But when one of our parts is unwell it can impact our…
At one point or another, most individuals will need to undergo wisdom tooth extraction. While the procedure is most common in young adults, wisdom…
A traumatic facial injury can not only impact the aesthetic of your face, but can have a painful impact on your overall health and wellness. If you…
If you are missing a tooth or a few teeth, then it can take a toll on your confidence. But you deserve to feel good about your smile, which is why…
Just like any other surgical procedure, oral surgery requires downtime to heal and recover. While listening to your oral surgeon is the best way to…
Did you know that 85% of Americans get their wisdom teeth removed? While wisdom teeth removal is most common during adolescent years, it is a common…
You deserve to feel confident about your smile, but a single missing tooth can take a toll on your confidence and leave you feeling insecure. If you…
Did you know that once you lose a tooth the risk for further tooth loss increases? Not only can tooth loss reduce your self-confidence, but it can…
Believe it or not, most individuals will undergo dental surgery in their lifetime. Whether it is getting their wisdom teeth pulled or a cosmetic…